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Why choose our Core HR software solution? Companies operate in an environment in which it’s difficult for them to survive and stay competitive. Major upheavals, whether caused by market instability or developments, or major global transformations, require companies to have a clear and accurate picture of their workforce and organisation.
This picture must also help management in designing the target organisational structure of tomorrow view of hypothetical strategic changes.
a forward-thinking solution for core HR
Individual records
Individual records and workforce management. Succession planning – Target organisational charts – Key and high-potential employees – Personal development plan – Hardship management system
Target organisational structure simulator based on hypothetical strategic changes, external growth and business sector developments
Forecast diagram
Organisational forecast diagram to identify and plan the administration of your company in the short- and medium-term
Onboarding and managing new hires to optimise the employee integration process
Optimise your workforce management by getting a true picture of your human capital. Centralise the data of your Core HR to ensure your talents are nurtured and developed in order to contribute positively to the business processes. Our Core HR software tool places your talents at the centre of your strategy to develop and align skills and competences in line with your business objectives and future needs.
Population distribution indicators and ratios – staff turnover, the ageing shift, age pyramid, simulations.
WEB Portal
Integration of the company into the web portal. Integration of the competency and activities repository
WEB environments
Security, confidentiality and connectivity guaranteed by LDAP-compatible systems, SSO in all web environments
Tailor-made modelling of forms and complete dematerialisation of employee management processes
Fœderis Solutions
Fœderis solutions are adapted to all business sectors: Public, Private, Service, Manufacturing, Banking and Insurance
Customised dashboards through a Business Intelligence module (SaaS)
Talent Management Software Editor @2023